My big dog Sandy is the most perfect pet in the world. She’s great with my kids, she rarely barks, and she knows just the right place in our back field to do her “business” (most of the time). Other than a good “back side” scratch every now and then, Sandy really requires very little on my part. And when you’ve got five children vying for your attention, a low maintenance dog can be a blessing from heaven. Recently, we’ve noticed something about Sandy, however, that’s a bit out of character for her. You see, when my husband gets down on his knees to play with our youngest daughter, Sandy will often set her furry self between the two of them. It seems that she’s trying to redirect the attention and fun back to herself. I think that our perfect dog is a bit jealous. I understand the feeling of jealousy … I’m sure most of you do. It creeps up on us when we least expect it, and – Wham! – there it is making us say and do things that often we’re ashamed of later. Click here to read more ...
Sue Sproul
2/11/2012 01:43:59 am
You are so correct Debbie! I love it that God is jealous for us! Look at the stories of Abraham (twice!) and Issac (once) recorded in Genesis. They did not fight for their wives when their wives were in very compromising situations. Their wives' purity was in great danger. Where were their covenant loving husbands? But God fought for them - kept them pure, while displaying great grace and mercy. Abraham and Issac were not willing to lay down their lives for their beloved wives - Sarah and Rebecca - referred to them as sisters! But not our precious Savior who willingly lay down His life for His bride! 2/11/2012 02:03:24 am
So true Sue. You know I read those scriptures about Abraham and Issac, and I just shake my head. What??? Even when Lot told those men to take his daughters and do what they wanted with them. Ugh!! We do have an amazing God who loves us even so don't we? So glad for this. Thanks for your comment. Please give my link a share on FB the next time you're on! I so appreciate your involvement in this blog! Comments are closed.
Amish Fiction Author and Blogger:Read More Devotions
August 2020