Identity Crisis - Who am I?
Finding out your identity in Christ can make all the difference

By Debra Torres
It was a particularly hot day last summer when the businessman turned farmer hit his limit.
He threw his tools down in the middle of his work and was ready to call it quits.
It was just too much.
You see, after tasting success in many areas of business, this man had turned to farming in his “semi-retired” stage of life. And last Sunday, he confessed his struggles to our congregation. The life of the farmer, he found out, is extremely hard.
It was a bad moment that hot summer’s day for the new farmer.
One where he about lost his religion. But he said that there was one good thing that came out of it — he heard the voice of God. You see, after that tough day God told the man that he wanted “in” on his new venture, that he wanted to help.
The man experienced an epiphany out there in the field and through it all, the Holy Spirit showed him how special he was to God.
After telling us his story last week at church, the successful businessman blessed us with a song.
And his music brought tears to my eyes.
It was a particularly hot day last summer when the businessman turned farmer hit his limit.
He threw his tools down in the middle of his work and was ready to call it quits.
It was just too much.
You see, after tasting success in many areas of business, this man had turned to farming in his “semi-retired” stage of life. And last Sunday, he confessed his struggles to our congregation. The life of the farmer, he found out, is extremely hard.
It was a bad moment that hot summer’s day for the new farmer.
One where he about lost his religion. But he said that there was one good thing that came out of it — he heard the voice of God. You see, after that tough day God told the man that he wanted “in” on his new venture, that he wanted to help.
The man experienced an epiphany out there in the field and through it all, the Holy Spirit showed him how special he was to God.
After telling us his story last week at church, the successful businessman blessed us with a song.
And his music brought tears to my eyes.
He sang the Casting Crown’s song “Who Am I?” which marvels at God’s intimate concern for us, and after he was done, our pastor said, “There’s a lot of truth in that song, we tend to define who we are and base our worth on what we do. God is not impressed by what we do because we are doing it in his power anyway. But it’s simply who we are—his children.”
We all have our feelings of insignificance don’t we?
Oh, I know it seems that many of us struggle with an inflated sense of self. But sometimes reality strikes and, like our businessman, we feel kind of well, small. Go to the Grand Canyon and see how big you feel, get lost in the crowd at a football game or hit the mall during a Black Friday sale.
You get the picture. Small right?
We all have our feelings of insignificance don’t we?
Oh, I know it seems that many of us struggle with an inflated sense of self. But sometimes reality strikes and, like our businessman, we feel kind of well, small. Go to the Grand Canyon and see how big you feel, get lost in the crowd at a football game or hit the mall during a Black Friday sale.
You get the picture. Small right?
But it’s interesting to read scripture and find out that my pastor is right. God does value each and everyone one of us so much.
In fact the Bible says that he counts every hair on our head and saves up every tear we’ve ever shed in a bottle.
Wow - I haven’t even done that for my own kids.
I like what Kimberly Cash Tate writes over on the blog at “‘Who am I?’ That’s the question we’re seeking to answer. … Everything flows from that—your mindset, your choices, your outlook, your mood, and yes, your eternity. A great many go through life believing a lie. They only know the deceiver’s version of who they are. But when you know the truth—God’s version—and you walk in it, you’re set free to live the abundant life He intended for you.”
In fact the Bible says that he counts every hair on our head and saves up every tear we’ve ever shed in a bottle.
Wow - I haven’t even done that for my own kids.
I like what Kimberly Cash Tate writes over on the blog at “‘Who am I?’ That’s the question we’re seeking to answer. … Everything flows from that—your mindset, your choices, your outlook, your mood, and yes, your eternity. A great many go through life believing a lie. They only know the deceiver’s version of who they are. But when you know the truth—God’s version—and you walk in it, you’re set free to live the abundant life He intended for you.”
I have a friend who’s going through an identity crisis right now.
He says he has no goals, no sense of purpose.
He’s lost his confidence and his self-esteem. And because of that, he feels like he really doesn’t know who he is.
I’m pointing him to God.
But you know, there are things that people have to discover for themselves for the truth to hit home.
I saw my friend at church last week and I know he heard the businessman/farmer’s testimony and song. I don’t know if he cried through it like I did. But I hope it touched his heart and taught him one of the most important things he’ll ever learn. As a child of God, he’s actually got the greatest identity of all.
And, if you are a Christian today — so do you.
He says he has no goals, no sense of purpose.
He’s lost his confidence and his self-esteem. And because of that, he feels like he really doesn’t know who he is.
I’m pointing him to God.
But you know, there are things that people have to discover for themselves for the truth to hit home.
I saw my friend at church last week and I know he heard the businessman/farmer’s testimony and song. I don’t know if he cried through it like I did. But I hope it touched his heart and taught him one of the most important things he’ll ever learn. As a child of God, he’s actually got the greatest identity of all.
And, if you are a Christian today — so do you.
Here are some Bible verses that'll help you on your journey:
Psalm 139:1-3 Living Bible
139 O Lord, you have examined my heart and know everything about me. 2 You know when I sit or stand. When far away you know my every thought. 3 You chart the path ahead of me and tell me where to stop and rest. Every moment you know where I am.
Colossians 2:10 Living Bible
10 so you have everything when you have Christ, and you are filled with God through your union with Christ. He is the highest Ruler, with authority over every other power.
2 Corinthians 5:17 English Standard Version
17 Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation. The old has passed away; behold, the new has come.
139 O Lord, you have examined my heart and know everything about me. 2 You know when I sit or stand. When far away you know my every thought. 3 You chart the path ahead of me and tell me where to stop and rest. Every moment you know where I am.
Colossians 2:10 Living Bible
10 so you have everything when you have Christ, and you are filled with God through your union with Christ. He is the highest Ruler, with authority over every other power.
2 Corinthians 5:17 English Standard Version
17 Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation. The old has passed away; behold, the new has come.