We walked into the hotel’s pool area and smelled the chlorine lingering in the air. It wasn’t a typical pool day, though. There were chairs lined up near the water, and our preacher was already hard at it explaining the purpose and benefits of baptism. Several folks got up when he was nearly done and began to make their way over to the pool. These had all expressed a desire to be baptized, and I’m sure had been through a session with the pastor on the significance of their decision. People of all ages were waiting by the edge of the pool when the crowd made its way over. Grandparents, young adults and even one little blonde-headed girl all wanted to be “dunked.” I love watching people get baptized. It’s like witnessing a holy, heavenly event right in the confines of our earthly setting. “Woot woots!” came from the crowd as each church member went under and came back up to step into new life. Straining to hear what my pastor said to each one as they were immersed into the water, I finally made out these words ... Click here to read more Who is God? God loves us so much that He wants us washed of all the old "yuck" as we enter into new life with Him. Baptism is a wonderful, symbolic event. Have you been baptized yet? By Debra Torres It was a chilly day to grocery shop, but empty cupboards sent us out to brave the weather and fill our carts. When we done, the real challenge came when we had to transfer all the groceries to our van in the cold. But just when I thought we were finally finished, and I was looking forward to warming up in our vehicle, I uncovered something at the bottom of our cart that had been unnoticed at checkout. A lone pork roast. Ugh, the weather was so bad and for just a moment, I thought about ignoring the mistake and packing the roast into the van with the rest of the groceries. But ... Click here to read more Who is God? When we stand firm in obeying God, we please Him. And even though we may miss a temporary "prize," the blessings of God far outweigh anything the world can give us. By Debra Torres I was sure that the man on the other side of the counter was dead wrong. And we had it out back and forth until I left in a huff. How could he be so mistaken, I didn’t know. I had my facts straight, I could tell you that much. And if you were there with me, I probably would have – over and over again. It wasn’t until later that night as I was going through the scene for the hundredth time in my head that the Holy Spirit brought to my mind one fact that I had forgotten about completely. And a sudden realization hit me like a ton of bricks. Click here to read more Who is God? God tells us in the Book of Proverbs that wisdom and understanding are crucial elements to a blessed and healthy life. Who wouldn't want that? Let's ask God for them daily! By Debra Torres My daughter came home from church a few weeks back with a puzzle she had colored and cut out. Presenting me with a baggie filled with the little pieces, she asked for help. As she and I put the puzzle together, I realized that the pieces were made up of sections of the Lord’s Prayer. “Hallowed be they name,” was colored in red. “Give us this day our daily bread,” was blue. And, “Thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven,” was green. As we worked on the puzzle, a pang shot through me as I realized that I had never taught the prayer to her. Growing up, my mother raised my brother and me in the Catholic Church. As I made my way through my first Communion, religious education classes and my Confirmation, the “Our Father” or the “Lord’s Prayer” was ingrained in my memory. I remember my mother sitting at my bed praying through the rosary with me. My rosary had two different sizes of pale pink beads and touching each small one, we would recite the “Hail Mary” prayer. After the tenth bead was a large one, and it was time for the “Our Father.” After becoming an evangelical Christian in my teens ... Click here to read more Who is God? God gave us so many insights on life and Christian living when he gave us the Lord's Prayer. "Teach us to pray," the disciples asked. Jesus did that and much more. Books have taken me on wild adventures in my life. Because of them, I’ve had the unique opportunity to travel from the Shire to Mount Doom with two homesick hobbits. I’ve explored the open prairie with a little girl named Laura and her brindle bulldog Jack. And I’ve even fished with the old man and the sea. For as a long as I can remember, I’ve loved reading. And I can still feel the rush of excitement that would course through me when I entered a library ready for a new find. Books have given me the chance to step into someone else’s world. They’ve taken me back in time, forward in time, and landed me in present-day situations that were far different than my own. I’m grateful for the opportunity and ability to read, and I’d hate to think ... Click here to read more Who is God? God has written a love letter to you. If you want to grow in Him, you need to read it, study it and apply it to your life. By Debra Torres The snow was crisp beneath my boots, and the squeaky sound that came from each footstep told me that it was cold. Really cold. I didn’t need the snow to tell me it was cold, though. My body was way ahead of it. That week, my fingers froze in my mittens, my feet felt the chill right through my boots and even my woolen hat was no match for the bite of the wind. Brrr… Sometimes, when the weather gets me down in Western Pa., I begin to think about Virginia Beach and the many years I spent living there. I had enjoyed the South with its two-month winters, its daffodils in February and its endless blue skies. When God moved our family North over ten years ago, however, I was ready for an adventure. But I didn’t think ... Click here to read more Who is God? God knows exactly what we need, and we have to learn to be content with what He gives us. When we can do that – we can have peace. The two young girls approached the church stage with confidence. It was Sanctity of Human Life Sunday, and they each had been commissioned to read a portion of Psalm 139. The scripture, containing one of the best biblical teachings on the value of the unborn, was the perfect choice. Boldly, the girls spoke into the microphone as they proceeded with their scripture reading. “For You formed my inward parts; You wove me in my mother’s womb. …” As I watched one of the girls read, I got a mental picture of the first time I met her. She was just a little baby in her mother’s arms. What a privilege it has been to see her grow into a beautiful, confident young girl. A wave of gratitude rushed over me as I listened to the girl read her scripture, and I was thankful that her mother valued life. My maternal grandmother died when my mother was very young. Because of this, I know very little about her life. My mother had no ... Click here to read more Who is God? God is the one who formed your inward parts as he knitted you together in your mother's womb. God values you and he values life. By Debra Torres I think we’ve all asked the question. It’s the big one, really. The question that, depending on the answer we receive as truth, can change the way we live – and die. Who is God? I was intrigued not too long ago when I discovered that globally over one million people a month searched the term, “Who is God?” on Google. That’s a lot of seekers isn’t it? It’s becoming so clear to me how crucial our search is. And it’s one that we make alone. No one can pursue God for us. Just like we choose ... Click here to read more Who is God? Many people attempt to define God – we’ve all done it most likely. We try to shape the parts of him that we don’t comprehend into something we can understand. We want him fit into the mold that we’re comfortable with. Who is God? It's a question we all must ask. Look to the Bible for your answer. By Debra Torres The roads were bad, and my teenager had a feeling that going back out to his friend’s house might not be a good idea. Already, he had practically lost control in an icy spot at the crossing of some lonely country roads. But my son made the choice to go. He and his friends were working on a project for school, and he wanted to get it done. The boys finished their project, and my son and a friend approached the same crossroads in our truck. It was a few hours later and probably a few degrees colder. And the icy spot was waiting for them. The steering and brakes were useless on it, and our truck slammed hard into the road’s icy bank. You know things are bad when ... Click here to read more Who is God? God knows better than you and me how to answer our prayers. Because of who he is, our ways cannot even compare. Asking God is the right thing to do, but telling him what do is not. God is mighty. Don't ever forget that. By Debra Torres I sat on the massive concrete steps that led up to our university’s library, discouraged and full of doubt. I had to admit it; I had come to graduate school hoping to add my “Mrs.” degree to my list of college accolades. But I hadn’t met “Mr. Right” yet, and I was losing hope – rapidly. My friend Kendall found me there, and when I began to speak out my doubts about God’s faithfulness, he did something surprising. Instead of comforting me with syrupy words, he gave me something I needed to hear. A rebuke. He said something like this: “How can you doubt God like that? How can you speak out those negative words about his faithfulness?” Wow, had I been doing that? Click here to read more Who is God? God cares about what you say. Speaking words of faith affirms our trust in Him. I believe that it honors God when we choose to use faith-filled words in trying situations. |
Amish Fiction Author and Blogger:Read More Devotions
August 2020